Happy 2018 everyone! Oh my goodness, I am so stoked 2018 is here! I'm feeling vibrant, and all the good things are happening. I'm running into 2018 full speed ahead and I'm happy to report that I'm manifesting all of the good that is happening around these parts. I hope 2018 is off to a rockin start for you too and that you get everything you want this year! Code Removed

I have implemented some major changes with the way I look at things and other people. I've been working on living my life completely judgment-free. Leaving judgment at the door and understanding that everyone has their reasons for the things they do has helped me react less and listen more.
I've also walked away from fake friends or from people who were using me to get to their next level. I'm all about helping others, but when someone only talks to me when they want something from, that shows me that they are not truly genuine people and I just can't hang with that in 2018.
2018 is a year of epic next level-ness. I'm taking everything up a notch, from this blog to my business, to the content I produce, to the workouts I do. It's all going to the next level. I'm meeting my intentions face to face while walking the walk and talking the talk.
No more BS or silly excuses around these parts, it's all going up from here!
What are you doing to make 2018 your best year yet? Take your excuses and put them behind you! It's time to make this year, your year! And while you're at it, you'll need a healthy snack at your side so make my Cranberry Delight Bars to join you on your journey.
I mean, you wouldn't want a sugar-drop while you are crushing 2018, now would you?
These bars are similar to those Cranberry Bliss Bars you can buy at that one coffee shop, but without all of the chemicals, refined sugars, additives, and oils. My version also has Vital Protein's Beauty Water in it for an added protein boost, but this step is completely optional. I add collagen to nearly every dessert I make because it's easy and it helps give each bar a boost.
My Cranberry Delight Bars do not have any refined sugar in them and are made with organic flour. If you are gluten-free, you can sub the organic flour for almond flour.
Please note: If you do the sub, make sure to double the amount of almond flour you use. So instead of 1-cup of organic flour, you would use 2-cups of almond flour. Please make sure you do this step, as almond flour is not as dense as organic flour, hence the doubled amount.
I wanted my Cranberry Delight Bars to be as chewy as moist as the bars you can buy at Starbucks so make sure to pay attention to this next piece. To make the bars as moist and delicious as possible, you want to make sure you whisk the all the ingredients together slowly. Do not overmix! If you overmix, the flour will set to fast and you'll have clumpy dough instead of a smooth thick dough.
Remember, do not overmix your dough. Once your dough is nice and combined stop mixing. This is especially important if you are using a Kitchen Aid Mixer or an electric mixer. Mix everything on a low setting, for this recipe slow and steady is better.
For the cranberry portion, I used a combination of fresh and dried cranberries. I picked up the fresh organic cranberries from Trader Joe's and use these unsweetened dried cranberries which you can pick up from Amazon. I wanted this recipe to be as low in sugar as possible and cranberries are already naturally sweet, so no need for sweetened ones.
You can also check out my full recipe video here. https://www.youtube.com/embed/_42TuKhx3Z4?wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1
Let me know if you guys make this recipe and be sure and tag me in your photos on Instagram using the hashtag: FittyFoodliciousrecipes
I hope you guys enjoy this recipe!
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