"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear." A perfect quote to open up September by Brian Tracy. This is my favorite part of the month. Day one: a fresh start, a new beginning. The first day of the new month is always the time to reflect on what's gone and look forward to what's coming. I say this all of the time that it's vital to manifest what you want. It's easy to get caught up in life stuff and the day to day tasks, but we must be constantly manifesting what we want to in order to achieve our goals. The easiest way to do this is to talk about your goals and what you want out loud. Does it sound silly? Something as easy as using our vocal chords can actually be pretty hard. When you vocalize something, you give it power and you send your intentions out into the universe. I do this all of the time. It can be annoying to some, but I don't care because it's how I manifest what I what. Another easy way of doing this is to write down your intentions for the month. What do you want September to be? What goals are you still working on? What goals have you achieved? Are you being the human you want to be? I like to start the first day of each month by writing in my Law of Attraction planner. It's a wonderful tool that reflects on the past month and helps me lay out goals and intentions for the new month. Below are some of the questions I ask myself each month and hopefully this will help you map out and set your intentions for the month.
1. What people have I learned from and who has inspired me?
2. What did I learn I this past month?
3. I'm celebrating my top 10 achievements. What were they?
4. What distractions and fears set me back this past month? How can I move on from them moving into September?
5. How much money did I save? What's my financial goal for this month?
6. What fears did I face this past month? What fears do I want to face this month?
7. Did I live in the moment? Was I present? Can I be more present moving into this month?
8. Did I help out when I could?
9. What new things have I learned about myself?
After I do this personal reflection, I write out and say out loud my intentions for this month. Normally, I keep this private, but I thought I would start doing this each month to share and hopefully inspire you guys to do the same.
September Intentions:
My goal this month to enjoy every moment that I can. August went by in a flash and I really want to make sure that I'm being present and enjoying the small moments this month. Sure, not every moment is going to be joyful, but I can make a conscious effort to be more joyful.
Walk the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia!
Drink ALL the water. This is an important one that I easily forget in the early fall months. The weather starts to get cooler and I drink less and less water. My goal is to keep on drinking all the water all the time in all the places. Did you know that even if you are a little bit dehydrated, it can wreck havoc on your hormones? Hydration is key!
Run every day. Running keeps me sane. It's something I do for me and my dog that keeps me moving at a normal pace and keeps Roxy on her toes. My two other dogs aren't running dogs, but Roxy is my running partner in crime and when we don't run, we are not fun to be around. If you have something you need to do every day in order to stay sane, there is no rhyme or reason why you should have to explain that to anyone. Running keeps my anxiety levels in check and keeps my body happy and my mind calm.
Help out where I can and accept help when I need it. Whether that be responding to someone's questions or giving an idea to another blogging friend. Helping is the easiest and free thing we can do for others. Showing up too! Show up online, in-person, sending a friendly message to a friend and asking how they are doing is the easiest way to be there for someone. I want to be there for people like they are there for me.
Write every day. Write first thing in the morning. Writing it's is so therapeutic for an anxious mind and it helps keep me sane and keeps my brain moving forward.
Go paddle boarding! I want to go paddle boarding at-least once before summer is officially over with.
Kayak as much as possible even when it get's chiller. I already have a wetsuit lined up to ensure I keep this deal with myself. I'm blessed to be able to kayak and live near water. Plus, it's a killer abs and shoulders workout!
Meditate every day, even for 5-minutes! This one is the most challenging intention for me. How can sitting be so hard? But it is, and I need it more in my life. When I keep up a regular meditation practice, I'm calmer, happier, and I take time to breathe.
Save. Save. Save. When I want to buy something (that obviously isn't food) my goal is to really think it through. Do I need it? Is the item going to serve me? Does it serve a greater purpose?
These are my intentions for September and I'm excited for this month and for all of the wonderful things that come along with fall?
What are you guys excited for this month? Comment below and tell me.
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